Nome | Descrição | Tipo | Informação Adicional |
CurrencyDecimalDigits | integer |
Nenhum. |
CurrencyDecimalSeparator | string |
Nenhum. |
IsReadOnly | boolean |
Nenhum. |
CurrencyGroupSizes | Collection of integer |
Nenhum. |
NumberGroupSizes | Collection of integer |
Nenhum. |
PercentGroupSizes | Collection of integer |
Nenhum. |
CurrencyGroupSeparator | string |
Nenhum. |
CurrencySymbol | string |
Nenhum. |
NaNSymbol | string |
Nenhum. |
CurrencyNegativePattern | integer |
Nenhum. |
NumberNegativePattern | integer |
Nenhum. |
PercentPositivePattern | integer |
Nenhum. |
PercentNegativePattern | integer |
Nenhum. |
NegativeInfinitySymbol | string |
Nenhum. |
NegativeSign | string |
Nenhum. |
NumberDecimalDigits | integer |
Nenhum. |
NumberDecimalSeparator | string |
Nenhum. |
NumberGroupSeparator | string |
Nenhum. |
CurrencyPositivePattern | integer |
Nenhum. |
PositiveInfinitySymbol | string |
Nenhum. |
PositiveSign | string |
Nenhum. |
PercentDecimalDigits | integer |
Nenhum. |
PercentDecimalSeparator | string |
Nenhum. |
PercentGroupSeparator | string |
Nenhum. |
PercentSymbol | string |
Nenhum. |
PerMilleSymbol | string |
Nenhum. |
NativeDigits | Collection of string |
Nenhum. |
DigitSubstitution | DigitShapes |
Nenhum. |